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Green Revolution Sour Green Apple 100MG Shot-0
Green Revolution Sour Green Apple 100MG Shot-0

Green Revolution Sour Green Apple 100MG Shot


Packing 100mg THC + 100mg CBG in a 2 oz. go-anywhere bottle, the Wildside MAX Sour Green Apple Shot is a highly potent and portable beverage that is fast-acting, Kosher and vegan. The shot is available in a Fly profile–promoting relaxation.


Cannabinoids are naturally occurring chemical compounds that are found in cannabis and provide consumers with a wide range of effects. THC and CBD are examples of some of the most commonly known cannabinoids.

CBG (Cannabigerol)
Cannabinoids are synthesized by Cannabigerolic Acid. CBG is the decarboxylated form of this acid that appears at low levels in most cannabis plants. Because its properties are beneficial to multiple parts of the endocannabinoid system, CBG has a wide range of therapeutic uses. It is non-psychotropic and can provide analgesic and antidepressant qualities.

About the Brand


“Our mission is to provide people from all walks of life with the highest quality, innovative products and solutions to power their quest to live better, healthier, and more positive lives.”

– Leo Shlovsky, Founder and CEO


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